Sunday, February 28, 2010

الشاعرة سعاد الصبّاح - "ليلة القبض على فاطمة"

تقول الشاعرة الصبّاح:

هذي بلادٌ تَختـنُ القصيدةَ الأنثى..
وتشنُقُ الشمسَ لدى طلوعها..
حفظاً لأمن العائلة..

وتذبحُ المرأة إن تكلمتْ..
أو فكرت..
أو كتبت..
أو عشقت..
غسلاً لعار العائلة.

هذي بلادٌ لا تريد امرأةً رافضة..
ولا تريد امرأة غاضبة..
ولا تريد امرأة خارجة..
على طقوس العائلة...

هذي بلاد لا تريد امرأةً..
تمشي أمام القافله...


هذي بلادٌ أكلت نساءها
واضطجعت سعيدةً
تحت سياط الشمس والهجير
هذي بلادُ الواقِ والواقِ..
التي تصادر التفكير.
وتذبحُ المرأةَ في فراش العرس كالبعير.
وتمنعُ الأسماك أن تسبحَ
والطيور أن تطير.

هذي بلادٌ تكرهُ الوردة إن تفتّحتْ..
وتكره العبير..
ولا ترى في الحلمِ إلاّ الجنسَ والسرير..

هذي بلادٌ أغلقت سماءها..
وحنّطت نساءها..
فالوجه فيها عورةٌ..
والصوتُ فيها عورةٌ..
والفكر فيها عورةٌ..
والشعر فيها عورةٌ..
والحب فيها عورةٌ..
والقمر الأخضر والرسائلُ الزرقاءُ..

هذي بلادي ألغت الربيع من حسابها..
وألغت الشتاء.
وألغت العيونَ والبكاء.
هذي بلادٌ هربت من عقلها
واختارت الإغماء.

ماذا تريد المدنُ النائمة الكسولة الغافله.
أنا الجارحةُ الكاسرةُ المقاتله.
إن كان عقلي ما يريدون،
فلا يسعدني بأن أكون عاقله.

ما تفعل المرأة في أمطارها؟
ما تفعل المرأة في أنهارها؟
كيف تُرى يمكنها أن تزرعَ الوردَ
على هذه الجرود القاحله؟

ماذا من المرأة يبتغون في بلادنا؟
يبغونها مسلوقة
يبغونها مشوية
يبغونها معجونة بشحمها ولحمها
يبغونها عروسة من سكر
جاهزةً للوصل كلَّ لحظة
يبغونها صغيرة وجاهلة.
هذي هي الوصايا العشر
في حفظ تراث العائلة.


معذرة.. معذرة..
لن أتخلى قط عن أظافري..
فسوف أبقى دائماً..
أمشي أمام القافله...
وسوف أبقى دائماً..
مقتولةً.. أو قاتله.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ensemble Ibn Arabi - Sufi Music : Je T´Aaime De Deux Amours (My Love for You Is Twofold)

عرفت الهوى
I knew love
مذ عرفت هواك
Since I knew your love
واغلقت قلبي
And  I locked my heart
عمن عداك
To anyone but you
وقمت اناجيك
and I confided in you
يامن تري
You who can see
خفايا القلوب
What's hidden in the hearts
ولست اراك
and I cannot see you

احبك حبين
I love you two loves ;
حب الهوى
a love for the sake of love
وحبا لانك اهل لذاك
and a love because you are worthy of it
فاما الذي هو حب الهوى
as for the love for the sake of love;
فشغلي بذكرك عمن سواك
It is about having my mind busy with you
and no one else
واما الذي انت اهل له
and as for the love that you deserve
فلست ارى الكون حتى اراك
I cannot even see the Universe without seeing you
فلا الحمد في ذا وذاك لي
so the gratitude for this and that is not to me
ولكن لك الحمد في ذا وذاك
but to you is the praise for all this and that

ادم ذكري من اهوى
Keep the memory of whom I love 
ولو بمنامي
even if in my dream
فان احاديث الحبيب
for the conversation of the beloved
is my wine
وانها بطيف منامي
and she is in the shadow of my sleep
ليشهد سمعي من احب
so that my hearing would witness whom I love
بروحي من اتلفت روحي
I give my life to her
whose love with which
I ruined my soul
فحان حمامي
so my death arrived
قبل يوم حمامي
long before the day my death
ولم يبق الحب مني
and love didnt leave of me
الا حزني
except my sadness
و كابتي
and my depression

وفرط سقامي
and too much illness
لينجو خلي
so that my lover
من هوائي بنفسه
would save himself from my love
and be safe
ويا نفس اذهبي
and Oh Soul..Leave...
in Peace ....

The Rasmus - Shot

Tonight we escape
just you and me
we'll find our peace
somewhere across the seas?

enough of the fright
enough of the fuss
I'll be awake if he finds us
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I will protect you
and I...

I'll take the shot for you
I'll be the shield for you
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I'll take the shot for you
I'll give my life for you
I'll make it stop
I'll take the shot for you
for you

tonight we'll be free
I'll find us a home?
tonight we will be
finally on our own

enough of the hell
enough of the pain
I won't let him touch you
I love you
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I will defend you
and I'll....

I'll take the...

enough of the scars
enough broken hearts
I will protect you
and I..

I'll take the shot
I'll make it stop

I'll make it stop
I'll take the shot

Thursday, February 18, 2010

اهو ده اللي صار

 p.s I like the video but what ruins it is having sadat and the soccer shit at the end..

كلمات سيد درويش
غناء علي الحجار
الحان سيد درويش

اهو ده اللي صار
وادي اللي كان
ملكش حق
.ملكش حق
تلوم عليا

تلوم عليا ازاي يا سيدنا
وخير بلدنا مهوش في ايدنا
قولي عن اشياء تفيدنا
و بعدها ابقي لوم عليا

مصر يا ام العجايب
شعبك اصيل والخصم عايب
خلي بالك من الحبايب.
.دولا انصار القضيه

و بدال ما يشمت فينا حاسد
ايدك في ايدي وقوم نجاهد
واحنا نبقي الكل واحد
والايادي تصير قويه

اهو ده اللي صار
وادي اللي كان
 ملكش حق
.....ملكش حق تلوم عليا

Sunday, February 14, 2010

old song

Metallica - One

I can't remember anything
can't tell if this is true or dream
deep down inside I feel the scream
this terrible silence stops me

now that the war is through with me
I'm waking up, I cannot see
that there's not much left of me
nothing is real but pain now

hold my breath as I wish for death
oh please God, wake me

back in the womb it's much too real
in pumps life that I must feel
but can't look forward to reveal
look to the time when I'll live

fed through the tube that sticks in me
just like a wartime novelty
tied to machines that make me be
cut this life off from me

hold my breath as I wish for death
oh please God, wake me

now the world is gone I'm just one
oh God, help me hold my breath as I wish for death

darkness imprisoning me
all that I see
absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
trapped in myself
body my holding cell

landmine has taken my sight
taken my speech
taken my hearing
taken my arms
taken my legs
taken my soul
left me with life in hell

Godsmack - I Stand Alone

Now I've told you this once before
You can't control me
If you try to take me down you're gonna break
Now I feel your every nothing that you're doing for me

I'm picking you outa me
you run away
I stand alone
I stand alone

You're always hiding behind your so called goddess
So what you don't think that we can see your face
Resurrected back before the final fallen
now they've arrest utill I can make my own way
I'm not afraid of fading

I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside of me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone
I stand alone

And now its my time (now its my time)
It's my time to dream (my time to dream)
Dream of the sky (dream of the sky)
Make me believe that this place is invaded
By the poison in me
Help me decide if my fire will burn out
Before you can breathe
Breathe into me

I stand alone
I stand alone
Feeling your sting down inside of me
I'm not dying for it
I stand alone
Everything that I believe is fading
I stand alone
I stand alone
I stand alone
I stand alone

عبد المجيد عبد الله - ليه كذا اش سويت لك !

عبد المجيد عبد الله
اهداء الى كل ناكر , وخاين , وخداع ~
كلمات الاغنيه :
ليه كذا ليه
وش سويت لك
اللي حبيته لعمري
يا عمري حبيته لك
كانت الدنيا
كلها انتي
وكل حياتي
ومناي انتي
مثلك علي يقسى
ومثلي انا ينسى
ليه كذا ليه
وش سويت لك

يابعيده بالمسافة
ياقريبة من الشعور
انا كل اللي اخافه
بعدنا يطول شهور
العمر لحظه حبيبي
خلني احياها بوجودك
وش يفيد الوقت صمتك
لا شكى صبري صدودك
مثلك علي يقسى
ومثلي انا ينسى
ليه كذا ليه
وش سويت لك

من يعيد الأبتسامه
على ماضينا الحنون
من يغير في كلامه
من ينسيه الظنون
نسي لساني كلامي
وزاد حزني بالسكوت
الأمل شوقي وغرامي
ينتظر والا يموت
ليه كذا ليه
وش سويت لك

The Rasmus - Livin' In A World Without You

The Rasmus - Shot

Tonight we escape
just you and me
we'll find our peace
somewhere across the seas?

enough of the fright
enough of the fuss
I'll be awake if he finds us
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I will protect you
and I...

I'll take the shot for you
I'll be the shield for you
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I'll take the shot for you
I'll give my life for you
I'll make it stop
I'll take the shot for you
for you

tonight we'll be free
I'll find us a home?
tonight we will be
finally on our own

enough of the hell
enough of the pain
I won't let him touch you
I love you
needless to say
I'll stand in your way
I will defend you
and I'll....

I'll take the...

enough of the scars
enough broken hearts
I will protect you
and I..

I'll take the shot
I'll make it stop

I'll make it stop
I'll take the shot

The Rasmus - Justify

So close so far
I'm lost in time
Ready to follow a sign
If there was only a sign
The last goodbye
burns in my mind
Why did I leave you behind?
Guess it was too
high to climb

Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

Someone as beautiful as you
Could do much
better it's true
That didn't matter to you
I tried so hard to be the one
It's something I couldn't do
Guess I was under the gun

[ Find more Lyrics on ]
Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

It's only right
That I should go
And find myself
Before I go and ruin
Someone else

So close so far
I'm lost in time
Ready to follow a sign
If there was only a sign

Give me a reason
Why would you want me
To live and die
Living a lie
You were the answer
All that I needed
To justify, justify my life

It's only right
That I should go
And find myself
Before I go and ruin
Someone else

Lubzi's Remixes

عبدالمجيدعبدالله - حبايبنا

وش الدنيا بلاكم
ملاه الشوق
قلب ما سلاكم
يضيق بها الفضى
بعض الليالي
إلى دور نديم
ولا لقاكم

ترى الفرقه صعيبه
على مثلي
مولع في هواكم
إلى يوم اجتمعتوا
و مر الذكر
في سيرة لقاكم

فلا تقولون
يمكن انه نسانا
حرام الظن
في اللي ما نساكم
ترى يمكن
أذكركم واغني
ملاه الشوق
قلب ما سلاكم

عبد المجيد عبدالله لا تجرح المجروح bdul Majeed Abdullah La Tejra

عبدالمجيد عبدالله خلص حنانك

خلص حنانك

خلص حنانك ما بقى الا قسوتك
اقسى علي اقسى حلالك فدوتك
قبلك قست دنياي .. " وانت تمون "
قبلك قست دنياي وانت تمون

شفت السعادة يوم عيني شافتك
" اسعدتني الله دايم يسعدك "
لو سقت لي هم وحزن هالكون
ذقت الحزن فيني فرح مخزون

واللي جمعنا والتقينا وكنت لك
واللي فطر قلبي وفطرني بحبي لك
لو في بعادك الهناء مضمون
ما اعيش لحظة دونك ولا اكون

الكل نفسي نفسي .. في ساعة خطر
الا انا .. " انت " ثم " انا وباقي البشر "
يا ابدى علي مني مهما يكون
تجرح او تداوي انا ممنون

كلمات :تركي ألحان : طارق بن محمد

عبدالمجيد عبدالله...خلاص إبعد

عرفت ان الظنون اكبر خطيه
اذا كان العشم زايد شويه
خلاص ابعد وبتحمل عذابي
ضحيه بك ومن غيرك ضحيه
وفيت ما توقعت الخيانه
وقلت اللي يكفيني حنانه
ومامداني ابي ابعد عنك حضني
لقيت الكذب متوسد مكانه
انا حبيت لي واحد اناني
اراضي فيه ويتركني اعاني
انا شفيني مابعد عن حياته
واعيش بذكرياتي عمر ثاني

عبد المجيد عبد الله - ما كان الفراق اختياري

و الله ما كان الفراق اختياري
 I swear to God
separation was not my choice
و لا عمري اخترت الوصال و لقيته
I never chose connection and found it 
و انا اعشقك عشق المطر للصحاري
and I am in love with you 
like the deserts are in love with the rain
مهما قسى وقتك علي ما جفيته
 No matter how cruel my time with you gets
I never want to stay away

ما كان بعدي عنك بالبال طاري
 Being away from you has never occurred to my mind
اخترت بعدي عنك منك و رضيته
 you chose to be far from me
and accepted it
لو كنت داري بس لو كنت داري
If I you only knew, If I  you only knew
ما اعطيلك لك قلبي و حبك مشيته
I would've never given you my heart
and walked in the path of your love

لو مل من صبري حنين انتظاري
If my patience gets bored of the longing of my waiting
ما قلت ابيك و لا رجوعك رجيته
I would've never said I want you
or wish for your return
اذبلت من طبعك ورود اعتذاري
 your ways
caused the flowers of my appologies
to wither
عطشان ذوق و لطفكم ما ارتويته
thirsty to taste
but for your kindness
I was still thirsty
ليت الزمن يقدر يرد اعتباري
I wish time can restore my dignity
و يبري لهايب قلبي اللي كويته
and heal the flames of my heart that you ironed
روّح ما راح الليل و الليل ساري
 go ..
go as the night goes...
لو كان مهما كان حبك نسيته
whatever your love was..
I forgot it...

و الله ما كان الفراق اختياري
 I swear to God
Separation was never my choice
بس انت مختار الفراق و لقيته
But you chose it
and you got it
و انا اعشقك عشق المطر للصحاري
and I am in love with you 
like the deserts are in love with the rain
مهما قسى وقتك علي ما جفيته
no matter how cruel my time with you
I long for it

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

حكمت الأقدار -- أغنية مجموعة لرصاد المراكشية the original

حكمة الأقدار الأقدار إلمـا رحمت قلبى ولا بـغيتنيى
نبقى جواركم تبرد نارى نارى نبقى جواركم تبرد نارى نارى نارى
ما لقيتك كيف ما ظنيتك غويتى بيـا حيث بـغـيـتـك

على شمالى هويــة علـى يمينى لقمــار
تجينى ريـاح قويــة عـاصفة ليـل ونهـار

خاينه شاب اشرف

راشد الماجد و أسماء المنور - خاينه - جلسات وناسه

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The The : Armageddon Days are Here

They're 5 miles high as the crow flies
leavin' vapour trails against a blood red sky
Movin' in from the East toward the West
with Balaclava helmets over their heads, yes!

But if you think that Jesus Christ is coming
Honey you've got another thing coming
If he ever finds out who's hi-jacked his name
He'll cut out his heart and turn in his grave

Islam is rising
The Christians mobilising
The world is on its elbows and knees
It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds

It's war, she cried, It's war, she cried, this is war
Drop your possessions, all you simple folk
You will fight them on the beaches in your underclothes
You will thank the good lord for raising the union jack
You'll watch the ships sail out of harbour
and the bodies come floating back

If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today
He'd be gunned down cold by the C.I.A.
Oh, the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass
Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart
But God didn't build himself that throne
God doesn't live in Israel or Rome
God doesn’t belong to the yankee dollar
God doesn't plant the bombs for Hezbollah
God doesn't even go to church
And God won't send us down to Allah to burn
No, God will remind us what we already know
That the human race is about to reap what it's sown

The world is on its elbows and knees
It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds
Armageddon days are here again

Saturday, February 6, 2010

شام يا ذا السيف

شام يا ذا السيف

شام يا ذا السيف لم يغب
يا كلام المجد في الكتب
قبلك التاريخ في ظلمة
بعدك أستولى على الشهب
لي ربيع فيك خبأته
ملئ دنيا قلبي التعب
يوم عيناها بساط السما
و الرماح السود في الهدب
تلتوي خصراً فأومى
إلى نغمة الناي ألا إتنحبي
أنا في ظلك يا هدبها
أحسب الأنجم في لعبي
طابت الذكرى فمن راجع
بي كما العود إلى الطرب
شام أهلوك إذا هم على نوب
قلبي على نوب
أنا أحبابي شعري لهم
مثلما سيفي و سيف أبي
أنا صوتي منك يا بردى
مثلما نبعك من سحبي
ثلج حرمون غذانا معاً
شمخاً كالعز في القبب
و حد الدنيا غداّ
جبل لاعب بالريح و الحقب

Tthe heart of misery - The Rasmus

I don't want to feel anything today
(I don't want to feel anything today)
Anything at all and just be alone
(I just want to know that you want to know)
I don't want to live through another day
(I don't want to live through another day)
Meaningless to fight for the victory
I just want to dive in the heart of misery

One love, One life
Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight
Locked me in the heart of misery

I don't want to feel anything today
(I don't want to feel anything today)
Anything at all and just be alone
(I just want to know that you want to know)
I don't want to live through another day
(I don't want to live through another day)
Meaningless to fight for the victory
I just want to dive in the heart of misery

One love, One life
Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight
Locked me in the heart of misery

I will never be anything again
(I will never be anything again)
I'm tired to give, I don't want to try
(I'm afraid to live, I'm afraid to die)
I just want to fly, throw it all away
(I just want to fly, throw it all away)
Meaningless to fight for your sympathy
I just want to drown in the heart of misery

One love, One life
Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight
Locked me in the heart of misery

One man forgot to breathe
One heart refused to beat
One love is incomplete

One loss, one fight
Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight
Locked me in the heart of misery

One love, One life
Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, One fight
Locked me in the heart of misery

Ah ah, ah ah
In the heart of misery
Ah ah, ah ah
In the heart of misery

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Rasmus - 10 Black Roses

Life is like a boat in a bottle,
Try to sail you cant with no air,
Day by day it only gets harder,
Try to scream but nobody cares,
Through the glass you see the same faces,
Hear their voices fade like a drum,
When your life's a boat in a bottle,
You're surrounded drifting alone,

Don't leave me now,
stay another day,
with me,

When you're sad and no-one knows it,
I'll send you black roses,
When your heart is dark and frozen,
I'll send you black roses,

Far away we wait for each other,
I'm still on that road to nowhere,
Kiss yourself for me in the mirror,
Tie a black rose into your hair,

Don't lose your faith,
share another night,
with me,

When you're sad and no-one knows it,
I'll send you black roses,
When your heart is dark and frozen,
I'll send you black roses,

10 black roses x2

Life is like a boat in a bottle,
Try to sail you can't with no air,
Day by day it only gets harder,
Try to scream but nobody cares,

When you're sad and no-one knows it,
I'll send you black roses,
When you're heart is dark and frozen,
I'll send you black roses.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Amazing talented children

This kid is super smart!

Very Talented Babies!

check out this young dancer's tribute to MJ :)

Future Rock Star ! :)


Little Divas

Another little violinist girl

Really Young Drummers

IPhone & IPod Touch Music - Ibands


Penang's first iBand @ Maxis iPhone 3G Promo, Queensbay Mall, Penang. The catch:- these fellas got together barely a week before they're due on stage! 

Night After Night - The Rasmus

Heaven sent you
To bring the answer
Heaven sent you
To cure this cancer

For a moment
Unbeatable chance
For a moment
The world in my hands

Like an angel you came
Every time when I prayed
Guardian of my dreams
Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel you came
Every time when I screamed

Time after time, I lose again
Night after night I wake up
shaking 'cause my world is breaking
Im fool enough to fall again
Night after Night, I wake up
crying 'cause I feel like dying

Still disconnected
And unprotected
Still Im haunted
But unwanted

For a moment
Unbreakable stars
For moment
You stayed in my arms

Like an angel you came
Every time when I prayed
Guardian of my dreams
Watching me when I sleep
Like an angel you came
Every time when I screamed

Time after time, I lose again
Night after night I wake up
shaking 'cause my world is breaking
Im fool enough to fall again
Night after Night, I wake up
crying 'cause I feel like dying

Time after time, I lose again
Night after night I wake up
shaking 'cause my world is breaking
Im fool enough to fall again
Night after Night, I wake up
crying 'cause I feel like dying

(Time after time I lose again)
Night after night I wake up shaking
'Cause my world is breaking
Fool enough to fall again (Fool enough to fall again)
Night after night I wake up crying
'Cause I feel like dying 


Monday, February 1, 2010

إرحل - Leave

إرحل.. قالوا لي

Leave, They said to me
جند أتوا من بعيد
Soldiers who cam from far away
قالوا إرحل
They said : Leave!

دخلوا بيتي
They came into my home..
 قتلوا ولدي
They killed my son..
They raped my wife...
إغتصبوا امرأتي
قالوا إرحل..

They aid : Leave!

حفروا في الوجه مغارة

They engraved a cave in my face
مرّوا على جسدي
They ran over my body
They planted a bullet in my heart
زرعوا في القلب رصاصة
نصبوا لي الخيمة
They installed a tent for me

قلت سأبقى مارداً جرحاً يعانق تربتي
I said I will stay , a giant wound embracing my soil

و طرقت باب أمتي

and I knocked on the doors of my nation
وكانت نائمة
and it was sleeping
and i was left alone
while my nation was dreaming

و بقيت وحدي
وأمتي تحلم
دخلوا وأمتي تحلم
They came in .. while my nation was dreaming

قالوا إرحل..

They said : Leave!!

هذه بلادي واعلموا أن الصغار

This is my country and you better know that the small ones
from the cycle of dreams will own the decision
من دورة الأحلام تمتلك القرار
من سجون الليل تنتزع النهار وتمضي عواصفا
from the prisons of the night it grabs the daylight
and move like storms